About Us

Core Values

These core values are foundational to Connect Pointe objectives.

Christ Centered

This is the summation of all other values, and is the cornerstone of our fellowship. We desire to embrace a culture that acknowledges His Lordship at personal, corporate and strategic levels. This includes the essential place of the Scriptures in the lives of believers and in the leadership of the church, and the role of obedience in both to the Word of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We unite to exalt Him, and seek to make Him known. (Ephesians 1:22-23).

A Relational Community of Leaders

We put a high regard on the biblical injunction to walk in community. We believe that the whole church, including all leaders, should be in significant relationships with other believers and other leaders. Leaders must not try to go it alone, or see themselves as elevated or removed from accountable relationships within their local churches, ministry teams, cities and nations.

Issues of how authority is delegated and exercised has been the source of much controversy in the church. Connect Pointe believes that authority is best served on a relational level, and is generally best conveyed voluntarily – by an invitation to speak into one’s life. This means that there should be very little exercise of control or judgement towards one another in peer-leadership settings. Rather than attempting to invoke an institutional form of authority upon its Associates, we seek to lead by example and influence out of relationship.

Unity in the Midst of Diversity

It is evident to us that God is the author of both diversity and unity. We recognize the priestly prayer of Jesus that was offered in John 17 for our unity as being essential for Christian leaders to embrace. Fellowship within the Body of Christ has too often been built around issues of race, culture, economics, doctrine or vision. We desire to build our fellowship around the greatness of Christ’s work within each individual, and a commonly held commitment to fundamental values and beliefs, while celebrating the diversity of leadership within God’s Kingdom.

Servant Leadership

It is clear to us that all models of leadership should, first and foremost, come from Jesus, who declared that He did not come to be served – but to serve. We recognize the various leadership styles in the church today, but we affirm those whose foundations are rooted in the spirit of servanthood. This does not mean that leaders are to be weak or passive, neither does it mean that they are to be overworked or abused by other leaders or the flock of God. It does mean, however, that they see themselves as ones who lay down their lives for others.

The Completion of the Great Commission

Connect Pointe is committed to doing everything possible to reach all people on college campuses and cities, and to pursue not only an initial gospel witness, but a discipling ministry among every tribe, language, people and nation. We delight in and actively look for ways to team with other churches and ministries for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in the earth.

The Primacy of Worship and Prayer

We believe that worship and prayer touch the very heart of God. It is a fundamental belief amongst our community that these are the source and secret of any and all ministry success. Worship and prayer play a central part of all gatherings of Connect Pointe, both in corporate expression and in personal ministry.

The Local Church

The local church is the primary means that Jesus has ordained to fulfill His purposes on the earth. We embrace the local church as a fountainhead of ministry, in its place of nurturing, equipping and mobilizing, as well as in the impacting of the culture in which she has been planted. We also believe that trans-local ministries can be birthed out of the local church and provide immense value to the advancement of the Kingdom.


Dave Worcester, Executive Director and Fundraising Coordinator – With 33 years’ experience in church ministry and non-profit ministry, Dave has served as an elder, Awana Leader, Sunday school teacher and a collegiate minister. A native of Albany NY, he received his certificate in Theology and is currently working on a B.A. in Evangelism from the Liberty University online.  Dave and his wife Melissa have been married 28 years and have two adult sons. Dave and Melissa have focused primarily on collegiate and campus ministry, joining the staff of Campus Renewal in 2013. Dave’s unique experience of service in the building industry and church ministries has uniquely equipped him to lead the Connect Pointe.

Board of Directors

Mark Ryan, Account Executive, Guardian Insurance

Eric Sprague, Retired Albany City Police Officer; Current Investigator with the Albany County DA

George Williamson, Retired VP, American Life Insurance

Bryan MCWayne, Financial Associate, Thrivent Financial