
Connect Pointe is supported 100% by donations. Your gift enables us to reach the next generation in the Capital Region with the gospel.

There are three ways to give, and you can also support us using AmazonSmile. Below are more details and links:

Donate by Mail

Mail your donation to:

Connect Pointe
PO Box 269
Burnt Hills, NY 12027

If you have questions you can contact us by phone at (518) 882-6864.

Donate Online

Click on the button below to donate using our secure online giving site.

PayPal Logo


Or if you want to give a one-time gift using PayPal, click on the button below.

Read more about AmazonSmile below.

What is AmazonSmile and How does it work?

AmazonSmile is a program run by Amazon that allows shoppers to support their favorite charities. When you shop at AmazonSmile, 0.5% of your total is donated to your selected charity when you purchase qualifying products.

In order to use AmazonSmile, you need to do 2 things:

  • Click on the button in the AmazonSmile box above (or click here). ConnectPointe will be automatically selected as your charity, and then you just shop as normal.
  • In the future, you need to visit instead of the regular Amazon link in order for the support to go to Connect Pointe. So the next time you shop, you can come back here and follow the link again, or you can bookmark the AmazonSmile link in your browser. You’ll know you’ve done it correctly when you see this:
    Note that it says AmazonSmile, instead of just Amazon, and that it says “Supporting Connect Pointe” as the charity you’re supporting (right below the search area).

Frequently Asked Questions about AmazonSmile:

  • Does it cost me anything? No, the donation comes out of Amazon’s profits, and your total remains the same.
  • Can I use it with AmazonPrime? Yes, of course.
  • Do I have to have AmazonPrime to use AmazonSmile? No, it works either way, with our without AmazonPrime.
  • Is it a scam? No, it is used by lots of big, well-known charities.
  • Will Connect Pointe see my credit card information or my Amazon login/password? No, absolutely not. Amazon has it all set up so it’s as secure as using their regular site.
  • Are there products that don’t qualify? Will I be limited in what I can buy if I use AmazonSmile? Almost all products at Amazon quality, except Recurring Subscribe-and-Save purchases and subscription renewals. You can use AmazonSmile as you would normally use Amazon, so it’s a really easy way to support Connect Pointe.
  • Where can I read more about AmazonSmile? Click here to read About AmazonSmile.