Want to Minister to College Students?
Whether students are already Christians or still in need of evangelism, there are lots of ways you or your church can minister to college students.
Connect Pointe Network
We are working to start a relational network of pastors, campus ministers and community leaders who gather to pray and strategically plan for the transformation of students on the 26 college campuses in the greater Capital Region.
College Transition
We have a two-fold goal in helping families make a smooth transition to the college years and beyond: 1. Helping Christian High school students keep and grow their faith on the college campus; and 2. Helping families navigate the process of choosing and paying for college. Ask us about coming to your church or group to make a presentation.
Discipleship Movement
We train and disciple students, teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded and showing them how to live and share their faith organically in their residential, academic, occupational and social circles.
Catalytic Events
We initiate collaborative public events that demonstrate spiritual unity, Christ’s love and redemptive power, and intersect the felt needs of our community.
United Prayer Movement
We identify, initiate and unite prayer movements using a focused prayer strategy that seeks the peace of our community through 3 simple actions: individual daily prayer, weekly group prayer, and monthly fasting for revival and awakening. Student-led on-campus prayer groups form around leaders who pray weekly to grow in relationship and partner in mission for the transformation of a campus.